Wei-Chung Luo

Ph.D. Graudate



2017 – 2022   Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Connecticut

2011 – 2015     B.Sc. in Pharmacy, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China

Research Appointments

Apr. 2013 – Apr. 2014     Undergraduate Researcher in School of Pharmacy, Jinan University

Professional Appointments

May 2016 – Jul. 2017     Assistant research scientist, Intech Biopharm Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan

Honors & Awards

2021    Finalist in 2021 UConn 3-Minute Thesis Competition

2021     Gerald J. Jackson Memorial Fellowship, University of Connecticut

2019     Dr. Thomas Jennings Award at the International Society of Lyophilization-Freeze Drying East Coast Chapter in Gaithersburg, Maryland

2015     Outstanding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan graduate scholarship, Jinan University

Oral Presentations

Luo W., Beringh A.O., Bogner R., and Lu, X. Impact of lyoprotectants and freezing conditions on the stability of freeze-dried nanoparticles. AAPS Northeast Regional Discussion Group (NERDG) 2021 Annual Meeting. Zoom, April 2021.

Luo W., Beringh A.O., Bogner R., and Lu, X. Impact of freeze-drying process on stability of solid lipid nanoparticles. University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy Virtual Health Fair. Youtube, April 2021.

Luo W., Beringh A.O., Bogner R., and Lu, X. Impact of lyoprotectants and freezing variations on the stability of nanoparticles. The National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology & Education Research Conference. Zoom, December 2020.

Poster Presentations

Luo W., Beringhs A.O., Bogner R., and Lu X. Impact of lyoprotectants and freeze-drying process on stability of nanoparticles. AAPS PharmSci360 Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 2019.

Luo W., Beringhs A.O., Bogner R., and Lu X. Impact of lyoprotectants and freeze-drying process on stability of nanocarriers. The 2nd University of Connecticut/University of Rhode Island AAPS Joint Symposium, Kingston, RI, September 2019.

Luo W., Beringhs A.O., Bogner R., and Lu X. Impact of lyoprotectants and freeze-drying process on stability of nanocarriers. The International Society of Lyophilization- Freeze Drying East Coast Chapter Conference, Gaithersburg, MD, September 2019.

Luo W., Beringhs A.O., Bogner R., and Lu X. Impact of freeze-drying process on stability of nanocarriers. New Jersey Pharmaceutical Association for Science and Technology May Meeting, Whippany, NJ, May 2019.

Luo W., Beringhs A.O., Bogner R., and Lu X. Impact of freeze-drying process on stability of nanocarriers. The International Society of Lyophilization- Freeze Drying Midwest Chapter Conference, Rosemont, IL, April 2019.


Luo W., Beringhs A.O., Kim R., Zhang W., Patel S.M., Bogner R., and Lu X. Impact of Formulation on the Quality and Stability of Freeze-dried Nanoparticles. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2021;169: 256-267.

Mekjaruskul C., Beringhs A.O., Luo W., Xu Q., Halquist M., Qin B., Wang Y., and Lu X. Impact of membranes on in vitro release assessment: a case study using dexamethasone. AAPS PharmSciTech. 2021; 22:42

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