
Lu Lab group photo taken on March 14, 2025
Lu Lab Group Celebrates New Year! 24th Dec 2024.
Lu Lab Group Celebrates New Year! 24th Dec 2024.

Lu Lab Photo (March 10, 2023)

Xiuling Lu with graduate students at her lab in the School of Pharmacy. Jan. 26, 2022. (Sean Flynn)

Dr. Lu congratulated Wei-Chung for his successful doctoral dissertation defense! (Apr. 5, 2022)

The Lu lab members congratulated Wei-Chung for his successful defense! (Apr. 5, 2022)

The Lu Lab members were busy making dumplings for dinner. (Dec. 11, 2021)

The Lu Lab members celebrated Christmas together! (Dec. 11, 2021)

Dr. Lu and her students were attending the AAPS PharmSci meeting in-person for the first time after COVID. (Oct. 18, 2021)

Lu Lab current members reunited with previous members at the AAPS PharmSci meeting in Philadelphia! (Oct. 19, 2021)

The Lu lab members had a great time hiking together on a sunny day! (May 21, 2021)

Wish André and Tong (Catheleeya) all the best for their future journey! (May 21, 2021)

The Lu lab members hiked together in Connecticut. (May 21, 2021)

The Lu lab members had some delicious seafood after their hike! (May 21, 2021)

Dr. André O’Reilly Beringhs successfully defended his doctoral dissertation! (Apr. 14, 2021)

Dr. Lu and Dr. Manautou congratulated André for his successful doctoral dissertation defense! (Apr. 14, 2021)

The Lu lab members congratulated André for his successful defense! (Apr. 14, 2021)

Students from the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences celebrated André’s successful defense! (Apr. 14, 2021)

Dr. Lu congratulated Derek for his successful defense! (Aug. 13, 2020)

The Lu lab members celebrated together for Derek’s defense during this special pandemic time. (Aug. 13, 2020)

Wish Dr. Raana Kashfi good luck as she begins work at Stanford University! (Aug. 13, 2019)

The Lu lab members enjoyed their bubble tea! (Aug. 13, 2019)

Dr. Lu gave an introduction to Laura at her dissertation defense. (Feb. 18, 2019)

Dr. Lu congratulated Laura for her successful dissertation defense! (Feb. 18, 2019)
Laura cut the cake at the department celebration. Congratulations again to Dr. Gonzalez-Fajardo! (Feb. 18, 2019)

Laura with the faculty and students in the department on her big day! (Feb. 18, 2019)

The Delegates from Lianyungang City in China and the Vice President of Hengrui Medicine, one of the top Chinese pharmaceutical companies, visited the Lu lab. (Jun. 20, 2018)

The Lu lab celebrated Sterling and Raana’s birthdays. (May 25, 2018)

The Lu Lab celebrated Halloween. (Oct. 27, 2017)

The Lu lab members in 2017-2018. (Sep. 15, 2017)

Group celebration for Dr. Lu’s promotion to Associate Professor. Congratulations!

Lab tour from high school students that participated in fundraising for American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. (May 5, 2017)

Wish Dr. Gaurav Joshi good luck as he begins work at Harvard University!

The Lu lab members in 2016-2017. (Sep. 2, 2016)

The Lu Lab members in 2015-2016. (Nov. 5, 2015)

Dr. Lu was honored by the UConn Chapter of the American Association of University Professors with the Excellence in Research and Creativity Award!

Dr. Lu and other lab members celebrated her winning the UConn AAUP Excellence in Research and Creativity Award!

Sarah gave a presentation on doxorubicin analysis.

The Lu Lab celebrated Thanksgiving. (Nov. 2, 2015)

The Lu Lab was excited about a study to improve cancer imaging.

Brian presented about how the extracellular matrix affects nanoparticle adhesion

At the First International Translational Nanomedicine Conference in Boston (Jul. 26-28, 2013)

Donghui Song received the poster award!

Dr. Huyen Tran’s poster attracted a lot of attention from many of the attendees.